To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florists may replace some stems in your arrangement, which could differ in color and variety. See our substitution policy.
- We do not offer second attempt deliveries. If the recipient is not available to accept the order, we will leave the order in a safe location.
- Please ensure to include the correct address, unit number, buzz number, and the phone number to avoid any issues.
If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
Bliss White Orchid
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Bliss White Orchid
The most popular variety of this plant, the phalaenopsis orchid, makes a great gift for plant lovers and beginners alike! White orchids are easy to care for and add a touch of delicate beauty to any home, office, or table.
- Pot Dimensions: 5" H X 5.4" D
- Overall Plant Height: 24-30" H
- Care tips: Add 3 ice cubes or ¼ cups of water once a week. Orchids thrive in well-lit environments. Place your orchid in a brightly lit room or on a windowsill facing North or East.
To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florists may replace some stems in your arrangement, which could differ in color and variety. See our substitution policy.
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To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florists may replace some stems in your arrangement, which could differ in color and variety. See our substitution policy.
- We do not offer second attempt deliveries. If the recipient is not available to accept the order, we will leave the order in a safe location.
- Please ensure to include the correct address, unit number, buzz number, and the phone number to avoid any issues.
If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
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